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Rio Carnivale Theme Event

Rio Carnivale Themed Corporate Event

Rio Carnival Theme is a corporate event theme that keeps giving. Full of glamour, gorgeous costumed dancers, music, drums and capoeira, the “Rio Carnival” event theme gives plenty of scope for event planners to excel in both entertainment, room styling and decoration.

Rio Themed Corporate Event | Table Styling

Rio Themed Corporate Event | capoeira performers

Rio Carnivale Theme Event Planning

The overview of the event plan was to take guests on a journey, get them involved and up close and personal to the entertainment.

A balance was struck between room designs, styling and entertainment. This ensured the run sheet was packed with event entertainment, as well as both event spaces left guests awed and excited.

Rio Carnivale Themed Christmas Party

When selected by TLC Healthcare to create the 2018 end of year party, the corporate event management team at Instinct proposed the Rio themed event. Given it was a site down dinner for 600 guests; the scope of the event theme allowed guests a fully immersive event experience.

Rio Themed Corporate Event

Rio Carnivale Theme | Venue selection

Located at the MCEC in the Goldfields Room, the event was planned across two spaces, with the Pre-function drinks taking place in the stylish courtyard.

The courtyard was decorated with clusters of Kentia palms to establish the theme.

The main event (goldfields) featured a massive 15m x 8m digital screen and equally large stage, suitable to host Chunky Jam 10 piece, Melbourne’s leading corporate cover band.

The dance floor was positioned to give maximum length, allowing dance performances to be as close to the large audience as possible. IMAG camera to screen technology was also used to ensure all speeches and performances were visible no matter where a guests was located in the room

Rio Carnivale Theme | Pre-Function Ideas

On arrival guests were greeted with an array of entertainment, cocktails and drinks. The host for the evening “Carmen Miranda” greeted guests with his usual flamboyance. Once in the courtyard, guests could have their face painted by any one of five (5) face painters, offering stylist Rio themed face painting, guaranteed to get guests into the festival spirit. This had a massive uptake as guests threw themselves into the vibe.

Atmosphere and music filled the air with a stellar performance by Alexjandro, one of Instinct’s authentic flamenco guitarists, providing the perfect backdrop for drinks, conversation and excitement

While guests vied for a chance to hold a live Python and have photos taken with the glamorous snake charmer or the beautiful Samba Brazilian dancers.

With their feathers backpacks the Samba girls created a formidable photo backdrop.“Selfie” opportunities abounded in the glamorous start to this exceptional end of year event.

Rio Themed Corporate Event | Table Styling

Rio Themed Corporate Event

Rio Carnivale Theme | Room Styling

The main room was designed to impress and create amazement. The room styling was driven by the big screen content. (see digital content below). Offering an animated amazon forest on arrival, the room was dressed with real 5 meter high palm trees, kentia palms other plants.

Each table was also dressed with vibrant table over lays, appropriate plants and greenery with fairy lights. Table styling was completed with 600 Rio facemasks, ensuring those who had not yet had face painting could still “dress up” and party as part of this amazing Rio themed event.

Hazers were used to help create the “reveal” moment and ensure maximum use of the lighting array used for this event.

Rio Carnivale Theme Event | Digital Content

Throughout the run sheets a variety of digital content was utilized. Jpeg based holding slides and mpeg movie files featured drone footage, animations and reanimated slide shows giving guests a bird eyes view of flying over Rio De Janeiro, past the JESUS statue or through the streets of Rio during the carnival or through the amazon forest. These videos were used throughout the night to establish the Vibe prior to the next entertainment piece and utilized in conjunction with live IMAG footage to the impressively large screen.

Rio Themed Corporate Event

Carmen Miranda MC

Rio Themed Corporate Event

Snake Charmer

Rio Themed Corporate Event | DJ Marrs

DJ Marrs

Rio Themed Corporate Event


Rio Carnivale Theme | Entertainment

Face painters were engages prior to guest arrival to get both performers and more than 28 MCEC staff into the “vibe” and “painted’ to continue the Rio theme throughout to the overall guest experience.

This was particularly effect during Pre-function, as guest walked into the venue staff already “embracing” the theme and supporting the accompanying snake charmer, flamenco music and themed MC host.

Once in the main room and balance was struck between formalities and entertainment.

Rio Themed Corporate Event

Sizzling the dancer floor the Samba Sensation dance team did not disappoint. The Rio theme is all about dancing to the quality of the performance was critical to this events overall success.

Following this the guests were treated to extreme physical fitness and prowess of Instinct’s “Capoeira Brazil”. Guests wanted to get up and close and personal with these gorgeous performers who showed just what it takes to be a Brazilian Martial artist, combining the moves with grooves, drums and beats, to present an amazing display of physical feats!

Rio Themed Corporate Event

However, always saving the best to last, Chunky Jam showed once again why companies are booking 2-3 years ahead to ensure they get the best cover band in town. From the first song of the first set the dance floor was packed.

A highlight of the night was the CEO joining the band singing for two massive songs for the third year running.

Throughout the night Latin specialist DJ Marrs controlled the vibe between other performers and formalities.

Over all, this was an excellent event from concept to completion